Bomb it! Dev Blog #1 - Theme troubles

First week of development, and kinda a slow one. I began the week by trying to come out with a theme that works with the current mechanics and... its been hard!. Game jam entry Added a few thing to the first level to experiment with. I decided to theme it as bombs that explode on minerals to mine it (sounds good enough right?). I'm not sure how to theme games so while doing some googling I came across this short talk . They lay down 4 questions for choosing a theme, lets try this: Is your theme something you are into? Yes... kinda... lately I'm been watching this lets play of Deep Rock Galactic and its really good. Does your theme support your game mechanics? Well yes, bombs destroys terrain to mine stuff. Does your theme communicate the goal? Hopefully yes, I intend to change the flag with a shiny crystal, players should be drawn to it and after the first level should be the logical goal for future levels. Does your theme has both familiarity and novelty? Fa...